Sheri Griffith River Expeditions

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River Rafting Safety: Essential Dos and Don’ts

River rafting offers an exhilarating escape into the great outdoors, but safety should always be a top priority. In this article, we’ll cover essential safety dos and don’ts to ensure a safe and enjoyable rafting experience.

1. Do Wear Proper Safety Gear:

Always wear a well-fitted personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket when on the water. Ensure the PFD is US Coast Guard-approved and suitable for whitewater rafting. Helmets are also crucial for protection, especially during challenging rapids.

2. Don’t Go Alone:

Rafting is a team sport, and going alone is not recommended. Always go with a reputable and experienced rafting outfitter that provides knowledgeable guides and safety briefings.

3. Do Listen to Your Guide:

Pay attention to the safety briefing provided by your rafting guide before hitting the water. Follow their instructions closely during the trip, as they are trained to ensure your safety on the river.

4. Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks:

While rafting is an adventure, it’s essential to avoid unnecessary risks. Follow the designated route and avoid dangerous areas with strong currents or obstacles.

5. Do Be Prepared for Immersions:

Expect to get wet during your rafting journey, and be mentally prepared for potential immersions in the water. Hold on to the raft’s safety lines if you find yourself in the river.

6. Don’t Panic in Rapids:

If your raft hits rough rapids, remain calm and listen to your guide’s instructions. Keep your feet up and avoid standing in the water, as rocks and debris may be hidden beneath the surface.

7. Do Learn Basic Paddling Techniques:

Before the trip, familiarize yourself with basic paddling techniques, such as forward strokes and back paddling. This knowledge will help you contribute effectively to the raft’s navigation.

8. Don’t Drink Alcohol or Use Substances:

Rafting under the influence of alcohol or drugs is dangerous and strictly prohibited. Stay sober and alert throughout the journey for your safety and the safety of others.

By adhering to these essential river rafting safety dos and don’ts, you can have a thrilling yet safe experience on the water. Embrace the adventure with confidence, knowing that your well-being is a top priority during your rafting expedition.